MSRED Activities
CRE Faculty will participate in the following activites throughout the academic year.
MSRED Orientation
Orientation incorporates events that are administrative and academic in nature. Orientation is compulsory for incoming students, including dual degree students.
Faculty will be called upon to present in the MSRED Course showcase. Those faculty who are involved in CRE Labs/Research Iniatives will also be asked to present. There are also some social activities that faculty are invited to participate in.
MSRED Extended Open House
Each fall, the MSRED program hold an Extended Open House for prospective students. The event is a multi-day event during which there will be information sessions, student-facutly meetings, and the opportunity for visiting students to attend classes. Faculty participation is crucial for effective outreach.
MSRED Admissions Committee
The MSRED application deadline is January 15th. CRE faculty participate in reading all applications and meet in March to make application decisions.
Advising/Registration Week
CRE Faculty who act as academic advisors will be assigned students at the start of each academic year. Advisors are required to meet with students during registration week at the start of each semester. Faculty must ensure students are enrolling in the necessary core courses as well as the required elective courses. Advisors will also have to approve schedule changes throughout the course of the semester (add/drop, change of grading method, etc). If an advisor has a concern about a studnet's acadmic performance, the Graduate Officer and/or Graduate Acadmic Administrator should be alerted.